Kubernetes Distribution Guide

Helm should work with any conformant version of Kubernetes (whether certified or not).

This document captures information about using Helm in specific Kubernetes environments. Please contribute more details about any distros (sorted alphabetically) if desired.


Helm works with Azure Kubernetes Service.


Helm has been tested and is working on Mesospheres DC/OS 1.11 Kubernetes platform, and requires no additional configuration.


Helm works with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS): Using Helm with Amazon EKS.


Google's GKE hosted Kubernetes platform is known to work with Helm, and requires no additional configuration.

scripts/local-cluster and Hyperkube

Hyperkube configured via scripts/local-cluster.sh is known to work. For raw Hyperkube you may need to do some manual configuration.


Helm works with IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.

KIND (Kubernetes IN Docker)

Helm is regularly tested on KIND.


Helm works in clusters that are set up by KubeOne without caveats.


Helm works in user clusters that are created by Kubermatic without caveats. Since seed cluster can be set up in different ways Helm support depends on their configuration.


Helm can be enabled in MicroK8s using the command: microk8s.enable helm3


Helm is tested and known to work with Minikube. It requires no additional configuration.


Helm works straightforward on OpenShift Online, OpenShift Dedicated, OpenShift Container Platform (version >= 3.6) or OpenShift Origin (version >= 3.6). To learn more read this blog post.


Helm is pre-installed with Platform9 Managed Kubernetes. Platform9 provides access to all official Helm charts through the App Catalog UI and native Kubernetes CLI. Additional repositories can be manually added. Further details are available in this Platform9 App Catalog article.

Ubuntu with kubeadm

Kubernetes bootstrapped with kubeadm is known to work on the following Linux distributions:

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Fedora release 25

Some versions of Helm (v2.0.0-beta2) require you to export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf or create a ~/.kube/config.